My Current Project

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Breaking Silence About Broken Trust

I've been silent about this for a very long time now, but I have been alerted to a blog entry that has pretty much pushed me to the limit on this, and I'm not going to be silent about it any longer.

On November 27, 2007, stranger 109 writes in a Machinima Spotlight of The Snow Witch ... "So I was more than pleased to see Michelle’s piece not only nominated, but win. Hopefully we will see more and more women like Michelle getting their work out there (for more from Michelle checkout her site Britannica Dreams)."

Michelle was the first to leave a comment to this post, and she did not bother to correct the gross misrepresentation represented in that posting.

First, for the record, I have been unsuccessful to reach an agreement with Michelle to dissolve Britannica Dreams. As far as I am concerned, the moment we fell out with each other, which was in part connected to "The Snow Witch", and stopped making films together, there no longer was a Britannica Dreams. The sites to which she has uploaded our films after January of 2007, were done so without my consent.

The site, Britannica Dreams is not her site as the blog post claims. The domain name, was created, purchased, and originally registered by me, and I have the bank statements to support this. The site was purchased and financially maintained by me for two years, and I also have the bank statements to support that claim as well. The original template of the site design was purchased by her husband ... however, I do not have those records.

The videos that are on the Britannica Dreams site, except for the featured artists videos, were created in a joint effort between Michelle and myself. However, all of the base Sims2 games and the expansions packs used to create those videos were all purchased by me. And I have the bank statements to support that as well.

As for the film, "The Snow Witch" which she and the mentioned blog entry claim is her creation ...

Michelle approached me with the idea of that film a year before it was finally released, and it was as all the other videos, a project meant to be done as a joint effort. I made several sets for her, including the bridge and garden which is used in many promotional shots for the video. She was responsible for all the sims and costumes, the interior furnishings, and most of the exterior sets. She was responsible for the actual video capture. I shared in the decision on choosing the narrator, and functioned as the main director. Director does not mean the one who captured or edited the video. That would be the camera person and editor. But my greatest capacity was to go through the footage she sent me and determine what worked and why, and what didn't work and how to fix it.

At that time, "The Snow Witch" was to be the first video in a series ... again, the credit for the series idea goes to Michelle. The second release was to be a Native American ghost story, and I wrote a "retelling" of an old Native American Telling called, "Two Ghostly Lovers". That retelling can be found on my myspace blog

After a couple of weeks, Michelle decided she didn't want to continue with the project. After many months, I persuaded Michelle to reconsider, and I went through each clip of footage, deciding what was good and what needed to be reworked. We spent several weeks on the film, and per my suggestions, Michelle had to recapture many of the scenes until we arrived at the desired composition. After the first completed editing, Michelle was not satisfied with the audio of the video, and it was at that moment I suggested she contact gToon and ask him if he would help us with the project.

I do not want anything from the film ... I have not asked for any mention or thanks or any part of any prizes the film may or may not have received. However, credit should be given where credit is due, so, I at least wanted to exert my right to set the record straight.

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