As I have mentioned several times, Laural Falls has been created without the use of Custom Content, and so, Food Trucks are not available in Laural Falls as it is. The Food Truck object is not buyable in game or available in CAW.
There is a mod, created by pcexpert that unlocks the Food Truck and its parking space. This mod can be downloaded from Mod the Sims. I am using this mod in my game, in Laural Falls, and I am not experiencing any issues.
If you read the information given on the mod, you will read that the Food Trucks do not travel in "non-BridgePort" worlds. That is not entirely accurate. In my game in Laural Falls, which is a non-BridgePort world, my Food Trucks do indeed make their regular rounds, and I'll explain . . .
As a part of the game's programming, worlds have been assigned codes. These codes tell the program what type of world is present. BridgePort is coded to be a city, whereas, for example, China has a different code, denoting it as a vacation spot. The Food Trucks are programed to work in worlds that have been coded as cities. Laural Falls is coded to be a city, and that is why the Trucks are working as they were designed.
So, if you want Food Trucks in your Laural Falls, you will have to download the content and manually place the objects on the lots. I have marked places in Laural Falls where Food Trucks should be (you don't have to use those places. You can place them wherever). The places are marked as represented in the image below:
The yellow stripes are simply floor tiles. Replace them with the tiles that match. This can easily be done by using the "eye-dropper". Delete the cones.
Then simply set down the objects. Both objects are found in Buy Mode/ Vehicles/ All. Place the parking space first.
One thing I did notice is that I didn't see a Food Truck until after I placed several in town. After placing all the Trucks, I immediately saw them running through the streets. Each day I have been able to find at least one truck in town in one of the locations or traveling between locations. However, they seem to be more active in my game in the later hours.
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